Archiving Policy

Digital preservation involves the systematic processes and activities designed to ensure the long-term accessibility and usability of digital content. The preservation policy for the journal includes the following measures:

  1. Website Archiving
    All digital content (including the website, articles, and transaction files) is stored on multiple servers. The primary server is accessible online 24/7 for readers, while copies are kept on two additional servers as backups. In the event of a server failure, the website can be reactivated within 24 hours by switching to backup sources, ensuring uninterrupted access.

  2. Long-Term Protection
    To ensure enduring accessibility, the full text of all articles is stored in globally recognized preservation networks such as CLOCKSS, LOCKSS, and the PKP Preservation Network (PN). These networks guarantee the long-term protection of digital content, safeguarding it from potential data loss or technological obsolescence.

  3. Author Archiving Policy
    Authors are encouraged to share their published articles on personal and institutional websites after publication, provided they include full bibliographic information and a link to the original publication. This approach expands the reach of the research while maintaining academic integrity and traceability to the original source.

These comprehensive measures provide a resilient approach to digital preservation, demonstrating a commitment to accessibility, reliability, and scholarly integrity.