Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The publication policy of the Turkish Journal of Traumatic Stress emphasizes advancing and sharing knowledge in an impartial and respectful manner. Processes aligned with this policy directly impact the quality of submissions from authors and affiliated institutions. Peer-reviewed studies are essential to upholding and realizing the scientific method. Therefore, all parties involved in the publication process—including authors, readers, researchers, publishers, reviewers, and editors—are expected to adhere to ethical principles.

The Turkish Journal of Traumatic Stress expects all participants to uphold the following ethical responsibilities as part of its publication ethics.

The ethical duties and responsibilities listed below are based on the guidelines and policies made available by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals is critical to developing a cohesive and respected body of knowledge. Such articles contribute to advancing scientific methods. Therefore, it is essential for all stakeholders in the publication process—including authors, journal editors, reviewers, and publishers—to understand and follow expected ethical behaviors and standards.

1. Ethical Principles

Authorship of the Paper
Authorship should be limited to individuals who made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the study. All contributors should be listed as co-authors, while those involved in particular aspects of the research should be acknowledged as contributors. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors (and no inappropriate co-authors) are included and that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the final version for submission.

Conflicts of Interest

  • Authors: All authors must disclose any financial or other substantive conflicts that could be perceived as influencing the results or interpretations of the manuscript. All sources of financial support must be disclosed.
  • Reviewers: Reviewers should inform the journal editor of any potential conflict of interest and decline the review if necessary. To prevent conflicts, reviewers from the authors' institutions cannot evaluate the article.
  • Editors: Editors should have no personal or financial conflicts of interest regarding the articles they oversee.

Data Access and Retention
Authors must provide the raw data for editorial review and, if feasible, be ready to offer public access to this data. Authors should retain the data for a reasonable time after publication.

Data Fabrication and Falsification
Fabrication or falsification of data, including manipulation of images, is strictly prohibited.

Duplicate/Multiple Submissions
Manuscripts submitted or published elsewhere are not permitted. If previous work by the authors forms the basis of the manuscript, it must be cited and clearly indicate new contributions.

Intellectual Property

  • Authors certify that the manuscript (and any supporting items) are their intellectual property and that copyright has not been transferred to others.
  • The manuscript should contain no plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, or manipulated citations, adhering to JSS authorship policies.
  • All versions of the manuscript remain the intellectual property of the authors. Except as stated in the license, the authors retain copyright.
  • Authors, reviewers, and editors agree to maintain confidentiality of all communications, comments, and reports.

Correction, Retraction, and Expression of Concern

  • Minor errors not affecting results may be corrected by editors.
  • For major errors or violations, articles may be retracted.
  • Statements of concern may be issued for research or publication issues if the findings are unreliable and the author's institution has not investigated. COPE and ICJME guidelines are followed.

Studies Based on Surveys and Interviews
The Turkish Journal of Traumatic Stress adheres to COPE's "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines" for ethical standards. Requirements include:

  • Ethics committee approval for studies requiring it, documented in the article.
  • In case studies, informed consent and a signed form must be provided in the Article Information Form.
  • Studies needing ethics approval include qualitative/quantitative research involving surveys, interviews, observations, etc., and retrospective studies under data protection laws.
  • A statement of "informed consent" in case reports, permission for scales or images from others, and copyright compliance for intellectual and artistic works used.

Policy on Publishing Special Issues
A special issue may be published yearly upon the Editorial Board's request, with the same publication processes as standard issues.

  1. A special issue may include conference papers or articles on a specific topic.
  2. Special issue page numbering is distinct from regular issues.
  3. Print runs of special issues cannot exceed one-third of regular issues.
  4. Special issue article ratios align with those in other issues.
  5. Tribute issues are not considered special issues and maintain standard page numbering.

Other Ethical Violations Include
a) Failing to acknowledge contributions from supporting individuals, institutions, or organizations.
b) Using unpublished theses or studies without permission.
c) Not adhering to ethical guidelines in human research, violating patient rights.
d) Disclosing review-assigned work without the author's consent.
e) Misusing resources provided for research.
f) Making false claims of ethical violations.
g) Publishing survey data without participant or institutional consent.
h) Causing ecological harm in research.
i) Failing to obtain required research permissions.
j) Conducting research in violation of relevant legislation or international conventions.
k) Not safeguarding confidential data provided by others in research.
l) Making false statements in academic appointments and promotions regarding research or publications.


Ethical Guidelines for Authors

  • Originality and Authorship: Studies must be original and based on authentic research. All listed authors/co-authors must have contributed significantly. Adding non-contributors as authors or ranking authors by non-academic criteria (e.g., title, age, gender) is unethical.
  • Author Contributions: In multi-authored articles, the specific contributions of each author should be clearly outlined.
  • Single Submission: Manuscripts should not be submitted to multiple journals simultaneously or have been previously submitted elsewhere. If detected, the article will be removed from publication consideration.
  • Adherence to Journal Standards: By submitting to the journal, authors agree to follow the publication and writing principles outlined by the journal.
  • Complete Citations: All references and citations must be accurate and complete.
  • Avoiding Plagiarism: Articles must be free of plagiarism and fabricated data. The similarity index should not exceed 20% for peer review to proceed.
  • Pre-Review Limit: An article may undergo a maximum of two rounds of pre-review. If suggested revisions are not incorporated, the article will be rejected.
  • Re-Submissions: Articles previously rejected by the journal should not be resubmitted; such articles will be declined.
  • Conflict of Interest: Any conflicts of interest must be disclosed by the corresponding author to the editor.

For further guidance, authors can consult WAME’s conflict of interest policies:

Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers

  • Commitment to Quality: Reviewers should approach the peer review process with a commitment to enhancing academic quality, assessing articles only within their area of expertise.
  • Confidentiality: Reviewers must respect the confidentiality of the review process and avoid sharing details about the article with anyone, both during and after the review.
  • Objective Evaluation: Reviewers should focus on the accuracy of content and compliance with academic standards, setting aside personal opinions on the article’s argument.
  • Constructive Feedback: Reports should be objective, measured, and free from disparaging language. Negative evaluations must include specific, reasoned explanations.
  • Timely Reviews: Reviews should be completed within the given timeframe. If unable to complete the review, reviewers should notify the journal promptly.

Ethical Guidelines for Editors

  • Acceptance Criteria: Editors should accept only articles that align with the journal’s policy and add value to the field.
  • Conflict of Interest: Editors must avoid conflicts of interest with both accepted and rejected articles and maintain confidentiality between authors and reviewers.
  • Authority and Responsibility: Editors have complete discretion over the acceptance or rejection of articles and are responsible for ensuring that the names of reviewers and authors remain confidential.
  • Error Correction: If errors are found, editors should facilitate corrections or retractions as appropriate.
  • Efficient Process Management: Editors are responsible for ensuring a smooth and timely process from pre-review through to publication.
  • Appropriate Board Selection: Editors should only appoint editorial board members and associate editors who contribute meaningfully to the journal’s goals.


2. Publication Policy

To be considered for publication in the Turkish Journal of Traumatic Stress, a manuscript must meet these essential criteria:

  • Originality: The study should present novel findings.
  • Ethical Integrity: It must uphold ethical standards.
  • Clarity of Message: It should clearly convey meaningful insights for the scientific community.
  • Contribution to Research and Social Sciences: The study should address relevant topics, advancing knowledge in social sciences and relevant disciplines.
  • Engagement with Current Topics: It should reflect timely, pertinent issues within social sciences.
  • Logical and Structural Coherence: The manuscript should be well-organized and logically sound.
  • Evidence-Based Findings: Results must be supported by scientific data.
  • Methodological Consistency: The research should demonstrate a clear and cohesive scientific approach.

Article Submission

Submissions are accepted exclusively through the Article Management System. Articles submitted via email are not considered.

Initial Review and Plagiarism Check

Before peer review, each article undergoes a check for adherence to submission guidelines and plagiarism, with a similarity rate limit of 20% and a 3% limit for any single source. If exceeded, the manuscript may be returned to the author for revisions or rejected. This initial review is completed within 30 days.

Editor/Field Editor Review

Upon passing the initial review, the manuscript is assessed by the assigned editor for topic relevance, language quality, and academic rigor. This review stage also has a 30-day limit.

Peer Review Process (Double-Blind)

Eligible manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review, ensuring the identities of both authors and reviewers remain anonymous. Review reports are securely stored in the Article Management System.

Author Revision

Authors are expected to incorporate feedback from reviewers and the Editorial Board. If needed, they may provide explanations for any disagreements. The revised manuscript must be uploaded in the system for further review.

Field Editor Re-Review

The field editor verifies if the requested changes have been implemented. If major revisions are needed, the article may be sent for additional peer review. In cases of “Acceptance” or “Minor Revision,” the manuscript moves on for language checks, completed within 7 days. Repeated failure to meet revision requests may result in rejection. Files for rejected articles are retained in the system for record.

Language Checks

  • Turkish Language Check: The manuscript is reviewed by a Turkish language editor within 15 days.
  • English Language Check: Articles passing the Turkish check are reviewed by an English language editor, also within 15 days.

Editorial Board Review

After technical, academic, and language reviews, the Editorial Board conducts a final review, deciding on the manuscript’s publication. If disputes arise, decisions are made by majority vote.

Typesetting and Layout

The journal handles typesetting and layout for approved articles.

Language Requirements

The Turkish Journal of Traumatic Stress publishes in  English. English articles should include an Turkish abstract. 

Change of Authorship

Authors listed on the Title Page are considered final. Requests for authorship changes after submission require Editorial Board approval. An official letter explaining the change, signed by all authors, must be submitted. If approved, a revised Copyright Agreement Form is required.

Objections and Appeals

The Editorial Board addresses appeals and objections in line with COPE guidelines. Authors may directly contact the Editorial Office. If unresolved, an impartial representative will be appointed, and the Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision.


The views expressed in articles are solely those of the authors and do not represent the Turkish Journal of Traumatic Stress, its Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board, or Publisher. Responsibility for published content rests with the authors alone.

Complaints and Appeals

Complaints and appeals are managed as follows:

  • Content Complaints: The Editor-in-Chief reviews the author's complaint alongside peer review reports and may affirm the rejection, consider the appeal, or request an additional review.
  • Process Complaints: Concerns about delays are evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief and relevant editors. Necessary updates are shared with the authors.
  • Ethics Complaints: The Editor-in-Chief reviews ethical concerns related to author or reviewer conduct, following the journal's ethics policy. Details and findings are transparently communicated to the complainant(s), who will also be informed of any actions and final decisions.